guitarist - singer - songwriter
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Just hangin' Out
"A stunning double album featuring 21 of Andy's self-penned songs, plus his inimitable take on 5 timeless classics. His unique fusion of Classical Guitar and Folk Rock is full of soul... edgy and inspirational, these songs will make your ears smile."
"Andy Clayburn is a classically trained but romantically down to earth man of musical mystery. He strolls out of a timeless world with true heart and humor. His words and music are so completely warm and emotionally enveloping that even in a crowded room it will seem as if he is playing and singing just for you!"
 Karyn Lynn Dale

"Down to earth guy with a timeless story to tell through his guitar. Your music is full of soul, edge & inspiration. Epic musician that I am thankful to have met & sang along with"
                              Meghann Kenney

"His own unique sound moves you like nothing else and he can make people smile like no one else can. His lyrics are honest, emotional and poetic but also very to-the-point.
Andy + guitar = pure magic."

                                     Eva Supply

Playing a nylon string guitar seens he is 7 years old, Andy found his way to fuses good old fashion pop-rock and country with a touch of classical guitar music.
Andy's CD release concert of his new double album "13x13" at the Bitter End.
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